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Solar News
Being a certified B Corporation means that we're part of an impact-driven global collective working to inspire a shift to a more sustainable, inclusive future. This is just the beginning.
If you want to save more money, reduce your impact on the environment, and prepare for an increasingly uncertain future, coupling solar with battery storage may be the perfect option for your home.
Across Florida, there’s a growing movement to couple solar panels with on-site battery energy storage solutions (BESS). When done correctly, this combination can boost your monthly savings and reduce your environmental impact even more.
Paying for your own school’s PV system is a lot easier than you think – especially when you partner with PV professionals who have experience helping schools go solar, save money, and shrink their carbon footprint.
This article explores why more across the country are embracing solar power as a strategy to increase their financial and environmental savings.It also explains how your own school can join this growing movement and start reaping similar benefits (without breaking the bank).
Residents in Florida are rejoicing as a controversial bill that would let utility companies limit how much solar customers could sell their excess energy back for has been vetoed.
In 2000 the non-profit FGBC brought together industry professionals from the construction, government, academic, and research communities to create green building standards tailored specifically to Florida. Celebrating its 22nd year, the non-profit FGBC has certified over 27,000 projects “Florida Green” since being founded. Scholarships like this, now in their sixth year, promote educational opportunities for individuals to build successful construction careers within the green building industry.
After final installation of your solar panels can be one of the most frustrating part of the solar process! You’ve been researching (some people for years), you made the decision and now your panels are up and you are connected to the grid. Exciting right? Unfortunately, this is the time when our customers tend...
The Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is currently a 26 percent federal tax credit claimed against the tax liability of residential (under Section 25D) and commercial and utility (under Section 48) investors in solar energy property.
Non-renewable energy, otherwise known as finite, includes any form of energy that is derived from sources that were formed on the earth billions of years ago. Which means we have to keep digging deeper and deeper into the earth to find more.
With more and more energy being used in our homes, the energy grid becomes more in demand. To meet these demands, we need more natural resources. Smart thermostats enable you to…
If you have been interested in going solar, kW and kWh have most likely come up a few times. If you are confused by this, don’t worry. It’s easy to get kilowatt (kW) and kilowatt-hours (kWh) mixed up when talking about energy consumption. The main difference between kWh and kW is in what they measure. To put it simply, a kilowatt is a measure of power and a kilowatt-hour is a measure of energy; power is the rate at which something uses energy, and energy is the capacity to do work.
Power outages, especially in Florida is something you can almost count on. They occur during or following a major storm, like a tornado or for us Floridians, a hurricane. Other times, they can occur out of the blue, when a transformer blows or a power company's equipment fails.
If you have lived in Orlando for any amount of time, you can Imagine a real situation where the power goes out and stays out for days. Goodbye, fridge and freezer contents. And if you are like man others and work from home, an extended power outage could cost you not only inventory but also new customers.
15 lightyears has been doing Green Certification since 2012 in Central Florida. Since then, there have been some major advances in the way homes are built, especially as it applies to the areas of technology and building science. Because the application of these practices can vary greatly from one builder to another the FGBC has created green building standards that allow it to certify that a builder has applied the industry’s best practices for sustainable, like…
15 lightyears, Florida’s energy and solar installation company joins the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) in celebrating the meeting the threshold of over three million homes in the United States energy rated with a HERS Index Score. The HERS Index Score is the U.S. standard for measuring a home’s energy efficiency.
The plan aims to create a more resilient grid, lower energy bills for middle class Americans, improve air quality and public health outcomes, and create good jobs, with a choice to join a union, on the path to achieving 100% carbon-free electricity by 2035. So what’s the price tag for this? President Biden is calling on Congress to invest…
15 lightyears was founded in 2012 as a social enterprise that provides energy expertise with a social and environmental purpose. Our team is committed to providing quality services and customer education that focus on our community improvement. Our sister foundation focuses on kid’s bright futures and providing them educational workshops and outdoor classrooms. Through the work we do with our partners, we create a better life in the community- our piece of the solar neighborhood. Energy Performance Testing - Solar Power - Green Certification. 15 lightyears is an equal opportunity employer.
15 lightyears has been conducting energy test for home builders in Florida for almost a decade and in that time have seen an increase in demand for energy efficiency. A new report from HomeLight has solidified
When it comes to renewable energy in Central Florida, also has been a familiar face close to a decade. We at 15 lightyears could not have been more honored to have him join our team almost 2 years ago. The save is not only a great dresser, but he is also a big deal in the world of renewable energy. In fact, many of the solar projects you see in Orlando he has been a part of it. To brag a bit about him, I emailed him over a few questions that you can check out below.
Solar cells convert sunlight directly into electricity. Solar cells are often used to power calculators and watches. They are made of semiconducting materials similar to those used in computer chips. When sunlight is absorbed by these materials, the solar energy knocks electrons loose from their atoms, allowing the electrons to flow through the material to produce electricity. This process of converting light (photons) to electricity (voltage) is called the photovoltaic (PV) effect.